23 May 2009

BBQ at Freya’s new house

Today we visited Freya’s new house and had a BBQ. Freya is Emma’s friend from school, but she recently moved just outside of Bristol and now goes to a new school.

Some of Emma’s other friends were at the BBQ too, such as Hazel (seen in green in the pictures), Louise and William James.

Here are some pictures of the 3 girls (Freya, Emma and Hazel)

Enjoy the pictures.

14 May 2009

Vous devez deviner ?

A qui ressemble la fille au chapeau noir ?  (peut etre une de mes connaissances dans le passe), qui sait …………

indice :  elle avait une forte poitrine


Whose Eyes Are These?

They are mine! Although the left one looks a little freaky and is aching and leaking at the moment…. WTF!


11 May 2009

9 May 2009