22 Sept 2012

The SG3 has gone..... Hell freezes over!

So yesterday I finally relinquished my hold on my Samsung Galaxy S3. I'd been running with an iPhone 4s for 2 weeks and thought that it was time to finally let go of my beloved phone.

I just loved the enormous crystal clear screen, and compared to the iPhone, which has a minuscule screen!

So it was collected yesterday and is off to a loving new home.. Bye Sg3


12 Sept 2012

Pasta & Meatballs a la Bazza

Because the restaurant is so bad at work Bazza decided that on a Wednesday we would go out, or bring in.

So we have had curry where we all brought some part of the meal in, today was meatballs!!

The 2 packets of meatballs were heated in the microwave, although the staff microwaves are far from brilliant and don't rotate. The pasta was cooked in a way I'd never seen before, boiling water from the tea urn and then in microwave! It was fresh pasta, and after what seemed like no time at all it was cooked.

The one thing that didn't cook so well was the garlic bread Neil brought in, never less it was hot and garlicky and got eaten!

We took it all down to the canteen and ate it like kings, I provided the hard Italian cheese.... A feast for kings.