26 Oct 2007

Oh I Forgot....

Bad news on Sunday evening my Xbox 360 (3rd replacement in 18 months) succum to the "3 Red Rings Of Death" syndrome!

It wasn't even powered on for more than about 5 minutes, the screen went blocky and then it was no more. So yet another 360 to add to the statistics of shafted ones, well done Microsoft for producing such a quality piece of kit. After all my Sony PS2 which is 6 years old has gone wrong loads of times, let me be precise, its 0 or ZERO times!!!!

So UPS have again another one to return to what must be an ever increasing EU mountain of crap magnolia dead Xbox 360's!

If it wasn't for the fact MS have set aside 2billion dollars to repair these things out of warranty I would not have bought a replacement! It gives you no faith at all in the console, as for their Elite, well they can stick that where the sun doesn't shine! The MS operative even boasted that there were no hardware failures with that console, great give me one then!!

On the upside they did mention compensation, so I asked for a working console...

I await the return of my "new" one.... to see how long this one lasts!

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