16 May 2010

Severn Beach Provides Yet More Action

So on the eve of my daughters birthday we all slipped down to Severn Beach for a quick session on a 12.9m tide.

The weather on Sunday morning did not look promising with rain and wind, but it dropped off during the day. Me and Emma whizzed down to Veals before her party to get some squid & ragworm for the evening session.

Yet again the ragworm were friggin enormous! They were not only long, but big and fat with it too!

So we met up at 19:45 in the normal spot, well Dave turned up on time, got fed up waiting and went fishing on the rocks! We eventually turned up about 25 minutes late, but perfect for the tide in our normal little spot!

So the games begin..

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Here we have DT not prepared to wait for the tide, and it paid off for him as you can see by the fish hanging off his line!!


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The end count for the night was 4 codling to Dave, 2 to Neil, and bugger all for me!

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