18 Feb 2012

Closure for 2011 League

Hats off to David for winning yet again on the fish count for the year. We certainly didn't go fishing as much during the last 12 months, but when we did Dave put it more effort than me and Neilboy combined.

So hats off to Dave for winning again!!

No doubt he will retain his title again this year!

Dave wins the league with a total of 23 fish caught! Well done once again.

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15 Feb 2012

White Vans

OK, first of all I don't want everyone who drives a commercial van to be tainted by my comments on here, but there really are some dicks who drive vans on the M4.
But seriously the idiots that tear down the M4 on the outside lane at 90mph is beyond belief. Firstly they don't have the ability to stop like a car! So they shouldnt be speeding to start with, then let's not forgot to add any load they may have (be it human or goods) which adds to thr minimum braking distance required.
So that aside, the biggest thing is the fact they are driving quite often a vehicle that is plastered with logos and phone numbers of the company they work for!
Well if you drive like that I can tell you now that the motorists on the M4 are going to start naming and shaming, along with contacting your company too.
Some of the regular offenders are
You have been warned, next time you are tailgating a motorist in your mobile death traps think will they report me, but more importantly can I stop in time?
Only last Wednesday 2 vans collided behind me, I thought the first would hit my car but he swerved into the central reservation instead after which the next van hit him! Tailgating, just deserts!
Here's a shot off the motorway traffic cameras after they had moved to the hard shoulder!