27 Nov 2009

Blowing a Gale @ Lyme Regis

Time for yet another fishing adventure for the famous 3!

We wanted to goto Chesil Beach but the forecast stopped us due to high winds and big waves. So we opted for the nice and safe, easy to get to, good facilities of Lyme Regis.

We had no bait, and the bloody shop in Lyme decided to open at weekends during the winter period. This left us all within 10 miles of Lyme and nothing to fish with!

So with help from Mike and Steph in the office we obtained the phone numbers of two local(ish) bait shops. The first in Yeovil was hopeless, whoever answered the phone was about as dynamic as a piece of paper! Sounded like a gormless wonder, I had to ask all the questions. For example, I asked if they had any frozen bait and the answer was “yes”, need I say more!

Anyway thank god for Seaton Tackle Shop on the harbour front! We got our frozen squid, fresh rag and lugworm from there and headed for Lyme Regis.

So it was a little bit of a detour, but we arrived in Lyme and got a nice £1 car park about 50m from the harbour (there is some benefit to off-season!!).

All geared up we headed out on the harbour wall, where Dave was awaiting us and the bait.

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So we decided with all the waves crashing on over the Cobb wall behind us that a little trip was required to see how hairy it was.

As you can see below it was quite rough, and many waves were crashing on the Cobb wall. It wasn’t even that windy at this point to be honest (not like it was in the evening just before we left!!!).

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Dave was still on the harbour wall trying to get the first fish (you can just about see him in the distance on the wall).


So we tried for an action shot, and this was about the closest we could get, without risking our lives!

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The waves were impressive, the photos dont really do them any justice to be honest.

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Anyway enough of the waves, because the unthinkable happened! James Hunt returned from the grave to join us fishing! Check out DT in his circa 1975 suit! This was the best moment of the day :-)


Anyway enough of the fun, time for the fishing to begin, with DT setting the benchmark with the first 4 fish of the evening, as nothing occured during the day!


I managed to pull in an enormous weight, which I was hoping was a big fish! Alas it was to be a piece of bloody carpet that weighed 2lbs! Perhaps it was Axminster :-)

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Dave packed up and headed for the hills about 8pm, with 2 x Whiting and 2 x Pouting to his name.

Myself and Neil had got sod all at this point…. and then my luck changed and in the fiercest of winds I pulled in a pouting, which increased my total fish count by 50% to 3 for the season!! I was over the bloody moon!

Fish was hooked nicely, so no pain to remove it and put back in the sea where it swam away to live another day!

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The wind in the evening was horrendous, everytime I took my rod off the rest it kept blowing over. So I had to place the weights in a carrier bag and use them for ballast in the end!

At 10pm we decided to call it a night, so the tally was Dave 4, Duncan 1, Neil 0 (for a change!).

Onwards and upwards for the next time…..

17 Nov 2009

Not A Good Day

Everything is going wrong today!

I got stuck on the M4 this morning for 5 miles because of some light sequence issues at J13 (Newbury)! The traffic was stacked up on the M4 with all the tossers trying to cut in at the last minute to get off a J13, may I thank you for causing me to sit in a jam for 30 minutes along with thousands of other motorists, just so long as you weren’t delayed!

Then coming home from work it took an hour to get back to my car and onto the A329M!

Then to cap it all…. I put some air in my rear tires in Sainsbury’s and the valve sheared off my rear wheel letting all the air out instantly! Smelly and noisy!

So I limped into the car park and attempted to change the wheel myself in the dark, alas I got it 99% of the way there only to be stopped by the fact the wheel was welded on almost, so I had to call the AA who used a hammer to loosen it free (making me feel less helpless!).

Now I have a special needs tire that looks funny and had to be inflated to 60psi! Off to the tire place tomorrow to get it all sorted out, but will miss meeting in Reading I think at 11am possibly.

Glad the day is over!

At Last!

The inevitable happened tonight, my Xbox 360 was banned from XBL! Do I care, no! What annoys me more is that is ok for MickySoft to sell me a pile of sh1t that cost me £350 originally, which was replaced 3 times and repaired 2 times. That to me is not very good service at all! If they had replaced it with a unit that I felt was reliable then maybe I would have stuck with them, and not opened up my console to play around with it (which is my perogative as I own the poxy thing!). No I am expected to continue paying £40 a game for a console that will break at some point, plus £6 a month to Xbox Live subs!

Anyway, they banned me, and I don’t give a flying you know what! I am only happy that I wisely spent my recent £160 on a PS3 which does not suffer hardware failures, nor costs money to play online!

Just for fun here is the screen I have oh so patiently waiting for


Happy Days :-) Now time for a real console…….