31 Aug 2009

Emma's War Medals

Emma found her Granddads medals today and insisted on putting them on, although they were very sharp pins on them so she soon stopped mucking about with them!

She's been speaking lots of French, and has decided she doesn't want to go back to England but stay here! It is funny really, a big turnaround from last year!

Here some pictures of Emma wearing the medal.


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Fancy some of this?

For lunch today Catherine and her Mum had what I can only describe as hell on a plate, I would starve to death before eating this I think!

Neil, I know you like sausages, so would you eat these? Thats sour kraut underneath it all for the record!


All that said I had a simple tin of ravioli and threw up during it, luckily in the toilet!

30 Aug 2009

Flowers, Crepes and Candyfloss

Today after lunch we visited a local church that had been decorated for a special occasion, no idea what!

Anyone who knows me will know my interest in churches and religion is pretty much zero, so don’t think I’ve gone all born again on you all by the fact I went in a church!

Anyway that said here are some pictures, and yes it was blooming hot outside and in!

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After this visit we went to Parc Louis Pasteur in Orleans (see map below).

Its nice there, and Emma enjoyed a crepe and some candyfloss! Greedy little monkey!

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We even caught Grandmere eating some candyfloss!!


29 Aug 2009


Today we went to Catherine’s parents house in the countryside, its a lovely place but need slots of work. It has fantastic potential to be a superb property if it were finished.

Left to right pictured below – Huge workshop, stables, main property

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We had a BBQ, which involved steak burgers (not like the crap you get in UK), brochettes (aka kebab skewers) and sausages (well French ones as seen below!). Oh before you wonder these pictures were taken in 2009, not 1979 ;-)

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Next came the goats cheese we got from the goat farm the other day, pictured left to right in strength. They are all the same at the start, its how long they are left for that makes them like this!

Goats Cheese 1 is creamy and mild, not that I tasted it, errk!

The second as you can see slightly more yellow is harder and stronger in taste, still no chance of me eating it in anyway shape or form!

Then comes the piece de la resistance, the cheese that looks like you left it in your fridge for a year, its not even green, its gone black! More chance of me being best mates with Derek than eating any of this one!

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Alas I was put to shame by Emma who did indeed eat some of both of the weaker cheeses, Catherine had some of the black one and said it burnt your mouth it was so strong!

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Then me and Emma decided to tidy up the leaves in the garden, boy what a job that was!!

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Emma found a birds nest, it was not in use and we put it back where we found it.


Then Catherine and Emma played “Play Doh” shops, which turned into them disputing over whose creations were the best!

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Then it was back to Orleans, where we took Emma to McDonalds for dinner, two car loads of British people arrived whilst we were there, always feel like you need to speak to English people when you are in a foreign country for some reason!

Anyway, its off to Zoo Parc Beauval on Tuesday, weather is meant to be terrible, but hey ho! Check out their website, it is a fantastic zoo and I highly recommend it, should you be down this way! Web link : http://www.zoobeauval.com/

28 Aug 2009

Humble apologies & Greetings

I haven't replied to an email sent by my bestest chum and boss, Neil, for which I apologise!

I will address this over the weekend so he has it waiting in the inbox Monday morning.

I hope everyone is ok back in Blighty, and big thanks to Grace for all her lovely dinners whilst Catherine was away. The roast was delicious, and so was the shepherds pie.

A big super special hello to Laura, hope you are fine, missing your wit! I will try and speak to you before the 4th xx

d2pro or Mondeo

There seems to be lots of activity on a certain page of my blog, which is either due to the d2pro fitted in my Wii, or the interesting problems I had when I first got my Ford Mondeo. It has attracted visitors from all over the globe, so I am keen to see what has tempted them here………

Beaucoup vent, XBOX360 moans and feeding the Geese

Today the sun was out, but it was a really windy day. Still 25C for the temperature, but pleasant with the wind.

Emma and Catherine had their hair cut today in a French hairdressers, Emma’s hair looked very nice indeed, you could tell the difference to the local hairdresser in Bristol.

Winnie the hamster, thought to have been on deaths door in my sisters care (not her fault) has been given a clean bill of health and an injection that cost the same as the hamster did!

I watched “The Damned United” today, it was very good indeed, give it 9 out of 10 (it helps to like football though!).

Not having much luck from EA on the Battlefield 1943 front, can only get connected once in a blue moon!

The remains of the NME2.0 still haunt me as I can only get a 169.x.x.x address when using a wired connection, I think a little chat with Nick is required there!

Anyway, here are some pictures from feeding the geese on the Loire, just across the road from Catherine’s parents, oh and Emma is speaking tons of French, quite amusing really!

Feeding Ducks 28th August 2009 04 Feeding Ducks 28th August 2009 06 Feeding Ducks 28th August 2009 07 Feeding Ducks 28th August 2009 10

Keep looking for more updates!

Oh and just for fun here is some pictures of Catherine when she was younger ;-) Check out the 70s wallpaper and chairs!!


26 Aug 2009

Feeding the Goats @ Saint Denis L’Hotel

Today we went to visit a local goat farm, that sold milk and made goats cheese. Emma loved it because she could feed the goats their food, there were over 90 of them each producing 3.5 litres of milk everyday. We bought some goats cheese but theres no chance in hell that I will eat any of it, it was fly city there, cant imagine how many had eaten any of the cheese being made……. nice not!

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Oh and here is an old car picture for Neil, not sure what type of Renault this is, but it looked old enough for you to be interested!



25 Aug 2009

Disneyland Paris

Today we went to Disney in Paris, well outside of Paris.The traffic wasnt too bad and we arrived at lunchtime. The car park was not as busy as I expected and we got a spot in D27, but could have easily got closer.

I must admit it did pee me off to pay 8 euros to pay to park after paying 114 pound for 3 tickets! Neverless it would have cost more to get the train or other transport.

Here is the entrance, little did I knoaw I was about to be 8 Euros worse off! Infact the car seen infront refused to pay and drove off into the exit, the woman took the plate just incase!


So the story, and financial loss begins…… he we are heading towards the entrance on the travelator!


Emma wanted to have her photo taken with Mickey Mouse, so we waited in the sun for 45 minutes. Micky said she had beautiful eyes, and so did the photographer who took pictures for Disney.


Here is Emma on Main Street USA, Disney Paris, home to financial ruin and complete rip offs! Also me and Emma infront of the Disney castle.

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Here is Emma with Princess Belle, she was a bit starstruck to say the least, but she did speak a little!


After her royal experience, Emma was a little bit hungry so she had a giant hot dog costing 6 Euros! The bun wasnt even big enough for the hot dog in length and depth, cheeky buggers at Disney!


Emma sports her new purchase, well mine. A snip at 16 Euros!


Here is some of Adventure Isle, with the Skull Rock in the background. Heres Emma inside the Skull Rock.

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A couple of shots from within some rides.

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After a long long day, Emma was still standing. It was nearly 11pm when this picture was taken, but she was very cold!


So we bid goodbye to Disney, and around 81 Euros for food, drink and parking!
