28 Jul 2007


Another weekend is here, and I have managed to do so little as usual in terms of DIY and decorating, there's so much more interesting stuff to do.

I noticed my mate is ahead on the Xbox 360 in a game we both bought, can't have that, but nor can I be bothered to do anything about it.

Catherine made me laugh tonight, she said she liked Wiltshire because it was like the countryside, to which I replied "That's because it IS the countryside". Had to try and explain the poor use of English, in the end she got it when I said "I like this Ford Mondeo, because it is a bit like a Ford Mondeo...", because it bloody is !! :-)

I watched Wild Hogs tonight, it was really good, great laugh! As for Die Hard 4.0, what the hell was anyone thinking with that jet fighter at the end, how unbelievable, they have taken away the naffest bit or airplane stunt's away from True Lies (Arnie)! Well done!!

Tried to convince a really cool friend in the office to get a DVD player with XVID/DiVX capabilities, so I can lend her and her hubby some movies... go on you know it makes sense! If you don't like it I'll buy it off you :-)

Anyone been watching Fonejacker? Cracks me up the Nigerian bank worker, no indian helpdesk this week, which is a shame (and a pet hate!).

Oh well into the last day of the weekend, let's hope next weeks work is altogether more exciting than the 5 days of last week.

Oh and Shelley buy that DVD player !!

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