28 May 2010

a day out fishing at Lyme regis

The team trip was to Lyme Regis for a nice comfortable days fishing, in dry weather (although not too hot I must say!).

The unthinkable happened, we arrived before Dave did by over an hour! Even then we didn’t have our fishing rods in the water (well I didn’t!).

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Here’s Neil with the most complicated floating rig known to mankind, although it did work!

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Above Left: Neil enjoys a rest on the canon!

Above Middle: Here i am pointing out the potential boat for the boat trip coming up

Above Right: Dave sorts out his keep net ready for the huge haul that he hopes to catch

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Neil decided to take a closer look at the water to see if any fish were about, it didnt prove conclusive

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Neil decides to do his impression of a garden gnome fishing, very convincing I thought!

Dave as ever tries his hardest by spinning.

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A large group of school kids turned up all threatening to jump in the water, it was a bit pathetic really, but a brave few did! It must have been freezing!

Now during the spinning that Dave did on the beach, some idiot in a boat managed to catch my line on the way into the harbour, a real worzel looking prick who didn’t ought to be allowed to captain a boat! When he realized his error he backed up without looking into Neil’s float contraption! Which then meant that he wrapped Neil’s weight around his propeller! The twat even had the cheek to try and kick off, he got a right royal “F$ck off” from the pair of us!

Above Right: 2nd fish of the night caught by Dave, a nice doggie!

Below: Anyway the first fish of the night was pulled in by Neil, a nice flattie of some kind, still waiting official judgement!

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Neil with his flattie!

Dave caught a crab on the line, gets him on the crustacean league!

Neil caught a nice doggie as well! 2 for the night for him!

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Dave finished the night with a skanky old eel, and a dogfish!

Oh, did I say we’d had two lots of junk food during the day, well 3 if you include the McD’s Double Sausage & Egg McMuffin! We ate twice @ Herbie’s on the seafront…. it was very nice!

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