19 Jan 2008

It's Been A Funny Old Week

What joyous weather this week has given us, rain, rain and more rain!

It's annual review time in FJ, that time where you fill in tons of useless paperwork for absolutely no reason other than to tick boxes! I am bracing myself for my 1.9% payrise or less! Every year it seems more and more pointless, even my career manager has given up on the idea of it being any use. The powers to be expect people to review 5 people in one day, now that's spending a long time "Investing in People" isn't it!

On a plus point I got my £100 worth of Argos vouchers for a Bronze Award, which I decided to spend on a portable electronic keyboard. I did want the Yamaha EZ200, but good old Argos don't stock it! So it might end up being CASIO one........

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